technology, p2p, life, and other ponderings...

Friday, April 07, 2006

URL Tracer from Microsoft prevents typo-squatting - Download Squad

URL Tracer from Microsoft prevents typo-squatting - Download Squad - Though I'm glad to see Microsoft doing something about this...I don't see a need for any application support for this. Why not use the HOSTS file, which is contained on most (if not ALL) Operating System environments, from Mac, Linux, and of course WINDOWS. I don't see the need to have a whole separate application to block stuff like this....though, who knows, maybe they have some secret "opt in", which will allow "reporting" of mis-typed or non-requested pages....though I think is a far better solution. I just think Microsoft is getting involved in too much, stick to OPERATING systems, so they OPERATE properly, and leave other companies to worry about crap like this.

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