technology, p2p, life, and other ponderings...

Monday, November 27, 2006 the internet cluster of ntp servers the internet cluster of ntp servers
This site is really neat, from the site:

The project is a big virtual cluster of timeservers striving to provide reliable easy to use NTP service for millions of clients without putting a strain on the big popular timeservers.
Adrian von Bidder created this project after a discussion about resource consumption on the big timeservers, with the idea that for everyday use a DNS round robin would be good enough, and would allow spreading the load over many servers.

But yea, it's really neat, and very easy to setup on a Windows XP computer (not too sure about Pre-Windows ME setups).

What happens, is runs over 800 time servers. By setting up your computer's clock to "sync" with, your computer's time will automatically sync every couple of days.

There has been some criticism of the accuracy of the time syncing, since it is the Internet and latency does and will it's recommended that users' use the pool associated with their geographical location,,,, or for the most accurate time syncing.

For users running Windows XP, all it takes is a simple command from Start > Run cmd
(Don't get scared, it's the old DOS prompt)
net time /
(use the proper server name as noted above for your geographical location)

That's all it takes to be synced up and ready to go.

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